The World Leader in Rolled Angle Ring Flanges and Structural Shape Bending
Our Products: On Size, On Time, All The Time
We Make More Angle Rings Than Any Other Company in the World.
Midwest Metal Products is the leading manufacturer of rolled angle rings and rolled structural shapes. We are a service-oriented company which finds solutions to our customers needs. We provide angle rings and rolled structural shapes which are On Size, On Time, All the time.
Through our highly specialized, state-of-the-art proprietary systems and processes, we are able to quote and deliver a superior product faster than anyone in the industry at the most competitive pricing.
Founded thirty years ago in 1982, Midwest Metal Products is a family-owned business whose current ownership and management are third and fourth generation angle ring manufacturers. As the market leader we are committed to setting new standards of excellence for our clients and the industry.

Midwest Metal’s Value Added Quality Control

No other ring rolling company has a quality control system in place like Midwest Metal Products. You can relax after placing your order with Midwest Metal Products because we electronically measure each ring during the manufacturing process multiple times. read more